Eden3: The Forest is Moving: Tha a’ Choille a’ Gluasad, December, 2013
The Perth Museum and Art Gallery. Project funded by Creative Scotland.
Collins and Goto, Translation by Beathag Mhoireasdan, editing by Kate Roberts.
Curator, Paul Adair.
The Forest is Moving: Tha a’ Choille a’ Gluasad was specifically created for the New High Definition display in the museum and art gallery; after a period of residency. This is the first of a series of time-based artworks that will result in a multi-screen installation. Here we explore the experience and the social context that shapes both the experience and the changing form and meaning of the Black Wood of Rannoch. The onscreen Gaelic text is taken directly from the UK Ordinance Survey maps.
[gview file=”https://eden3.net/wordpressed/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2013_CollinsGoto-Forest-is-MovingBklt_SM.pdf”]